This new complementary therapy identifies diseases according to their genuine etiology and not just their manifestation, adressing the root cause of the problem preventing illness to develop. Once the symptoms or signs of illness have appeared, it is also capable of reestablishing the acidic-alkaline balance in the organism and restore health, as it identify and neutralize the root cause of the problem the symptoms subside by effect. The Biomagnetic healing herapy is different from magnetic therapy and biomagnetic pair, and it adopts a new paradigm.
Unlike these last two, the Biomagnetic healing uses not only pairs of magnets of opposite charges to depolarize areas in the body that are unbalanced due to pathogens or other factors that resonate energetically and vibrationally and that it has the ability to diagnose the etiology and combat the real cause of the disease, especially viruses, but it also treats all other aspects of the being, acting on a physical, mental, energetic and spiritual level unblocking harmonizing and balancing all meridians chakras and smaller magnetic points in the body, reseting the mind and tunnign the patient into higher vibrational freciencies. Biomagnetic healing is a clean and innocuous technique. And still more importantly, it is capable of detecting, diagnosing, and correcting an abnormal condition even before the symptomatologic manifestation. It is, therefore, a preventive therapy, as well as healing.
There are numerous illnesses and ailments that can be prevented, cured, or improved through biomagnetic treatment. A full cure is limited, by many factors, like the possible irreversible cellular damage that the disease could have already caused, or the strength of the patient’s immune system and its regenerative capabilities (old age, poor nutrition, toxins, effects of drugs, etc.) There are never two patients with identical illnesses. Therefore, an absolute cure cannot be guaranteed, and least of all without previously evaluating the diverse circumstances of each concrete case.
Below are several examples of diseases that have been treated with great success by means of the Biomagnetic healing therapy:
Biomagnetic healing is a therapy as natural as the magnetic force on which it is based on, it is an external process; it cannot destroy tissues, facilitate contagions, leave chemical residues, or produce medical iatrogeny or undesirable side effects.
This therapy is risk-free and should only be used with precaution in the case of patients with pacemakers (so as not to wear down the battery) and pregnant women.
The Biomagnetic Pair can be used in conjunction with any other kind of complementary therapy and traditional allopathic treatments, except in the case of patients who have undergone chemotherapy in the last 12 months.
In fact, biomagnetic therapists advise their patients to continue seeing their conventional doctor on a regular basis, so that they can follow the patient’s progress. It happens frequently that once the Biomagnetic treatment has started, doses of medication are reduced gradually and even eliminated in many cases, even in the case of “chronic” disease.
During a session the therapist makes a kynesiologic test to find the places of the body with unbalace and then places natural magnets of medium intensity and of opposite charges (positive and negative) on the specific areas of the patient’s body, with the objective of balancing the pH level, this will neutralize the pathogens (virus, funghi, bacteria and parasites), check reset, balance and synchronize all the glands and organs in the body, the next step is the energetic system unblocking, harmonizing and balancing all the meridians, chakras, and auras, this will help take out old stucked emotions and memories making it easier to deal with and let go for the patient.
The results of this therapy are very fast and effective, almost all pains disapear right after the first session. The number of sessions necessary to achieve full healing will depend on many factors like the kind of illness, how chronic it is and the patient’s response. No two sick people react in an identical way to any given disease. Every patient differs according to age, build, metabolism, lifestyle, nutritional state, mental state, toxin burden, and immune system. Additionally, how long the disease has developed, the damage it has already produced and previously administered medications also vary. On average, with a sequence of three or four sessions-one per week-one should see a great improvement in the majority of cases. For chronic cases, four, five or more sessions may be necessary.