• Cluster T, Office 6 - Jumeirah Lake Towers Fortune Executive Tower - 27th floor, Dubai, Emiratos A.U.
  • +52 1 229 257 0539

About us

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About us

We intend to support studies with patients that certify the effectiveness and usefulness of these diagnostic and therapeutic tools. We aim to reach all people, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, political, economic or social status so that everyone can benefit from these therapies and lead them to better physical and mental health. The center will remain in contact with other associations, centers and foundations in the world, in order to update all the new and relevant information, to spread it among those involved in health and encourage participation in conferences and other events.

Our comunityr is an independent entity and does not depend on any political party, religion or agency. It promotes the integral development of people, a holistic view and a way of life that leads not only to people’s health, but also to their spiritual growth, to their inner balance, harmony and happiness. In this regard, we encourage the practice of any system or therapy that can complement our promoted therapeutical practices, such as Reiki, Meditation, Prayer, etc.

Another important objective is to promote our social work and collaboration with volunteers and NGOs, so that anyone who needs and wants to receive therapy sessions can do it, even if their economic or social condition prevents them from doing it.

Our Specialist

Specialist in Bio magnetic healing and magnetic tapping.

ABOUT JORGE: Jorge is a specialist in holistic bio magnetic healing and magnetic puncture that travels the world to make the healing process of people a very pleasant and relaxing experience, and raise awareness about the effects and benefits of magnetic fields applied to the body, mind and emotions. Jorge, former owner of a newspaper, lived fighting gastritis, colitis and reflux, 12 years of treatments, doctors, special diets, pills, etc.

Until he tried bio magnetism, this was an experience that changed his life, and while he was recovering from this "chronic" disease he knew that he had the mission of sharing this experience and knowledge with as many people as possible. He closed his family business and began studying bio magnetism and biomagnetic pair at the University of Chapingo, learning directly from Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran, who discovered the technique only 30 years ago. After graduating, he and a colegue developed and founded a new technique called biomagnetic programing and bio magnetic healing, creating a school and healing center in Veracruz, Mexico.


  • Bio magnetic healing and magnetic tapping.
  • Private consultations, workshops, awareness seminars.
  • Diagnose with applied kinesiology.
  • Bio magnetic pair Bioenergetic healing.
  • Magnetic puncture Emotional freedom technique (EFT, Tapping).
  • Chi gong, Bio decoding of diseases, Reiki Healing Cleaning the aura and energy.
  • Pranic healing Unlocking and harmonizing chakras and meridians.

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