We are a comunity of biomagnetic and bioenergetic therapists whose main objective is to promote the development of Biomagnetic therapy, Bioenergetic programming ,complementary and natural therapies in general, both their study and their practice, encouraging their research, ensuring its prestige, proper use and compliance with its code of ethics and expanding awareness in society of the great benefits they provide us.
One of our main objectives is that health authorities accept Biomagnetic healing, biomagnetic programming techniques and other alternative therapies as valuable therapeutic tools for being simple, affordable and effective supplements to current conventional medical practices.
Jorge Esparza
Therapist / Director
More informationBIOMAGNETIC HEALING is a natural therapy capable of diagnosing and treating a large number of illnesses through the aplication of magnetic fields to balance the pH level in all glands and organs in the body. According to biomagnetic healing, a large number of illnesses, including diabetes and many other complex diseases, are associated with fundamental alterations in the pH level of the glands and organs, this fundamental alterations are triggered by negative thoughts and emotions, interrupting the correct flow of energy causing the body to become vulnerable to virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites, toxins, and other harmful factors. The development of illness cannot happen with a balanced pH level.
More informatiónBiomagnetism is an alternative therapy that has no relation to allopathic medicine. We do not sell or prescribe any medication.
With this therapy we can easily identify and neutralize any pathogens that might be infecting your body, even if this pathogens have just entered your body and not giving symptoms yet, so is a very advance tool not only to diagnose but to prevent and correct any unbalance, infections and/or disfunctions of any gland or organ can be corrected with the magnetic fields.
If you are interested on learning this invaluable technique you can subscribe to our online courses, attend to one of the programmed presencial courses or even ask for a trainer to visit your hometown and give a presential course there, just contact us and we will provide the needed information to achieve this.
We have the best magnets for the practice of biomagnetic healing and some other amazing tools for helping maximize the healing process.
"Scientific studies show that all cancer cells are acidic (oxygen shortage). Biomagnetism helps the person to balance his PH."
It is compatible with any other form of alternative therapy and can also be used simultaneously with traditional allopathic treatments.
This system aims to detect the distortions of the pH of the organism to know the pathologies. The body's pH is designed to gravitate in an almost neutral system.
The negative (-) pole of the magnet is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing and stops the harmful processes for the organism and is mainly indicated to calm or suppress pain.
From the first session the patient already notice very positive changes in their health. On average for chronic cases 4 or 5 treatments may be required.
Theoretically, biomagnetism exerts a correction effect on all energy distortions that are housed in a diseased organism, whatever its origin.
This therapy demonstrates that by applying magnets of certain strength and polarity, viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites are exterminated, which are the cause of most diseases.
The medical cases that we will see below belong to real patients who have been treated and cured by medical biomagnetism..
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Etiam sapien sem at sagittis congue an augue massa varius egestas a suscipit magna undo tempus aliquet porta vitae.
Etiam sapien sem at sagittis congue an augue massa varius egestas a suscipit magna undo tempus aliquet porta vitae.